Thursday, 31 March 2011

Weird Word of the Week

I chose Thursdays as my "Weird Word of the Week" day (better than Mondays!); it's a chance to help others apprecite the English language, add to their vocabulary or, more likely, try to get their tongue around a word they will unlikely never use or see again.

For this week, I found a word that describes something we might all be guilty of doing:

pleonasm \ PLEE-un-naz-uhm \ noun:

The use of more words than necessary to express your idea; redundant word usage.

Some examples include:
  1. Absolutely essential
  2. Advance warning
  3. Basic fundamentals
  4. Classic traditions
  5. Completely (or totally) deaf (blind; empty; full: these things can be partially, but the use of the word 'completely' is redundant)
  6. Constant nagging (we all know nagging is constant!)
  7. Empty hole
  8. Free gift
  9. Foreign imports
  10. Invited guests
  11. Individual person
  12. Join together
  13. Joint collaboration
  14. New discovery
  15. Overused cliche
  16. Past experience
  17. PIN number (personal identification number number; same for ATM machine)
  18. Return back (retreat back, revert back).
  19. Safe haven
  20. Unsolved mystery
Now that I have made you aware of these, I am sure you will appreciate that there are loads more pleonasms in everyday language. See if you can pick up the next time someone uses one!

Happy writing!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's true using of languages in proper way is important specially in good atmosphere. There is a need of combination of good words. The above examples are perfect of using proper sentences.
